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Quests and Exclusive Rewards for Jace Community

We are thrilled to announce that QuestN, TaskOn and Galxe, our carefully chosen quest launchpads, are ready to take your engagement to the next level with an enriched experience featuring a diverse range of quests and, of course, lucrative prizes, including whitelist spots and a slice of a delicious Cache Prizes!


Curious how Do & Earn works?

Jace introduces its approach to community engagement and rewards. QuestN, TaskOn and Galxe, are innovative quest launchpads designed to offer a diverse range of quests and events with enticing prizes. Now, they serve as platforms to foster the growth of Jace's community. These platforms provide you with a unique opportunity to participate in a variety of quests, all designed to not only offer engagement points and USDC/USDT rewards, but also exclusive whitelist spots.

How do I participate in quests?

To participate, simply log in to the QuestN/TaskOn/Galxe platform and explore the available quests for Jace. Participate in activities featured on the quest list to win USDC/USDT rewards and exclusive whitelist spots.

Why are whitelist spots valuable?

Imagine gaining priority access to exclusive whitelist opportunities, along with special discounts, and thrilling bonuses – all tied to your participation in quests and events. The more quests you complete, the higher your chances of securing whitelist spots and other rewards, making your journey on Jace truly rewarding. As pioneers, your commitment to quests and events will be a key factor in growing and shaping the Jace community. Plus, you'll have the opportunity to convert your earned engagement rewards into tangible benefits.

Incentivizing and rewarding our community for their trust and cooperation is key. Together, let's propel Jace towards success and innovation, leading a revolution in the marketing industry. Grateful for each one of you being part of our family! Thank you!

All Reward Events

$50 USDT Active Until 24 April 2024

Whitelist & $JET Quest


Follow the instructions to be one of our winners

$100 USDT Active Until 1 April 2024

Community Growth


Follow the instructions to be one of our winners

$50 USDC Active Until 10 Feb 2024

Community Growth


1. Visit "Do and Earn" Page

2. Follow @JaceWeb3 on X

3. Repost @JaceWeb3 on X

$50 USDT Active Until 14 Feb 2024

Community Growth


1. Visit "Do and Earn" Page

2. Follow @JaceWeb3 on X

3. Repost @JaceWeb3 on X

4. Join @JaceWeb3 on Telegram