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We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey - our token, JACE, is now listed on CoinGecko, one of the leading cryptocurrency data platforms. This platform aggregates data from various exchanges, offering real-time price tracking, historical data, trading volume, liquidity, and much more. With its user-friendly interface and robust analytics, CoinGecko is a go-to resource for crypto enthusiasts, traders, and investors. Therefore, this listing represents a major step forward in our commitment to transparency and accessibility for our community.

About JACE Token

As you're surely aware, JACE is an upcoming cryptocurrency. As an integral part of our ecosystem, the JACE token serves multifaceted functions:

  • Utility: JACE grants users access to premium platform features, facilitates reward accumulation, enables active participation in governance, fosters trading opportunities, and supports investment initiatives.
  • Scarcity: With a finite supply of 100 million tokens, no additional tokens will be generated or burnt. This scarcity strategy promotes the potential increase in each token’s value over time.
  • Distribution: Our transparent and fair token distribution ensures equitable access. Tokens are disseminated through rewards, presales, airdrops, marketing initiatives, team allocation, and reserved funds.
  • Governance: JACE holders have voting privileges, shaping crucial aspects of our platform. From new features to fee structures, their influence ensures a democratic approach to governance.


Tokenomics: A Closer Look

Our tokenomics, the foundational principles governing the JACE token, are fundamental to understanding its role within our ecosystem. The total token supply is 100,000,000. Here’s how it’s allocated:

  • Vested Tokens (49%): To ensure long-term stability, we implement a token vesting mechanism. Allocated tokens are locked through a reputable vesting service platform, gradually releasing them over time.
  • Marketing (10%): These tokens fuel promotional activities, community engagement efforts, partnerships, and other marketing strategies. Our unique Jace Engagement Token ($JET) incentivizes user engagement, contributing to our project’s success.
  • Team (10%): Reserved for our dedicated team members, these tokens align their interests with the project’s success. A structured release schedule ensures commitment.
  • Token Liquidity and Exchange Availability (31%): Ensuring liquidity and accessibility, these tokens play a crucial role in JACE’s market presence.


For a detailed breakdown of our project’s total token supply allocation and distribution throughout our ecosystem, please visit our Tokenomics page.

What’s Next?

While the price of JACE is currently unavailable, market data will be available soon. We encourage our community to add JACE to their watchlist on CoinGecko1 to stay updated on JACE’s price movements.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated community for their constant support. This achievement is a testament to the strength of our community and the potential of JACE. We look forward to continuing our journey together, backed by our robust tokenomics and the promise of JACE.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being a part of our journey!